Sunday, 5 October 2014


time for a workout? time for rep night. 

WHEN: sunday nights 5.15pm for 3 hours from 12 october for 8 weeks

need more information? email

The wise make proverbs, and fools repeat them - Isaac D'Israeli

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Hello October and why not ....... complain?

Today is the first day of October and it's well and truly Springtime here.

For me Spring traditionally is all about the Royal Melbourne Show, the AFL footy finals, blossoming trees, hay fever, celebrating birthdays and silently acknowledging the tragic passing of loved ones many years ago.

For the past three weeks (the majority of the new season so far) I have been struck with a sinus infection, a chest infection, conjunctivitis and the major source of my complaints - hay fever. Okay - none of these ailments are going to kill me yet I find myself in quite a murderous mood.  So I invite you to join me today in some harmless yet incredibly rewarding and therapeutic complaining.

Let me lead the way.

How is it possible to suffer the symptoms of hay fever (itchy eyes and a runny nose) while affected by a sinus infection and conjunctivitis?

How, how, how?!

On my fourth visit to the doctors I was prescribed a(nother) specific ointment to heal the conjunctivitis.  When I presented the prescription to the pharmacist she informed me that the ointment is in fact out of supply across the whole state of Victoria.  Why would a doctor prescribe something that is not available?

Why, why, why?

While my tears turned to anger then to very restrained composure the pharmacist stood before me (professionally) non-responsive and unmoved.

No, no, no!

How is Spring treating you so far? And what's the top of your complaints list?

I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers - L.M. MontgomeryAnne of Green Gables

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Go Winter...... go!

It's the last day of winter here.

I survived.

Spring has been teasing us all week. Longer days. Blue skies. Glorious sunshine. Pink and white blossoms decorating the tree lined streets. The promise of fun and new memories.

I survived these cooler months - just.

I embraced some old habits and I contemplated some new ones too.

I wonder why tomorrow offers the promise of something that seemed so elusive these past few months.

I survived. Yet I had really hoped to thrive.

How did winter treat you?

Winter is nature's way of saying, 'Up yours.' - Robert Byrne

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Why not ......... play with a dog?

Have you had a 'play' today? (this week, this month, this year?)

No?  Then why not hang out with a dog or two and have some fun!

Dogs are fully present to the moment.

Dogs are impulsive, spontaneous and unpredictable.

Dogs are fully alive and ....... watchable.

Dogs have much to teach us about creative process.

As a society we now acknowledge how beneficial owning a dog is to both our physical and mental health. You can read more about these benefits here and here.

But it is easy to forget just how fun it is to be with a dog. How it can provide us with a great opportunity to simply play and be silly. How the 'presence' of a dog invites us to be present to the moment too.

Don't just listen to me, Academy Award winning actress Shirley MacLaine has so much to say about the benefits of dogs she wrote a whole book about it. ‘Terry (her rat terrier) has taught me simplicity, she has completely changed my priorities. And she just makes me laugh all the time. She makes me smile through my life now,’  says Shirley. 

Don't worry if you personally do not own a dog. Ask a family member, friend or even a neighbour if you can visit their fur-baby sometime. Or you could contact your local animal shelter and enquire about their volunteer or foster programs.

No matter how you do it - throw a ball around with a dog, teach him (and yourself) a few new tricks or simply have a cuddle - make the time to get some canine energy into your day.

The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too - Samuel Butler

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Why not ........ write your Oscar acceptance speech?

On a day where the world grieves the passing of another Hollywood legend Lauren Bacall I invite you to write your Oscar acceptance speech.

Whatever your craft is put pen to paper and write a speech in response to being recognised for your great achievements - realised or imagined!

Who are you going to thank? From your past and your present. Professional to personal.

Will you mention the person/people you propelled you into seeking the utmost excellence of your craft?

Will you make a business, personal, political or social comment?

Will you keep it short and sweet like Joe Pesci?

Private yet inspiring like Steven Soderbergh?

Or will you ramble on like Julia Roberts et al.?

This article has an interesting take on the do's and don'ts of speech making. What do you think?

Write the speech simply for yourself or for the world at large. I encourage you to enjoy the doing.

I don't care who you are. When you sit down to write the first page of your screenplay, in your head, you're also writing your Oscar acceptance speech - Nora Ephron

Is there a movie I think I should have won the Oscar for? Yeah. All of them - Morgan Freeman

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Farewell Robin Williams

source Instagram

This morning I heard the end of the news headlines on the radio while I was driving in my car.

"And the actor Robin Williams is dead" said the news reader.

Bang! No warning. Out of nowhere.

"Fuck that" I thought to myself.  "Heart attack?" I thought to myself.

Later in the day I'm back in the car and there is more talk about Robin Williams' death.

"Bloody hell I listen to a sports radio station to avoid these types of conversations!" I think to myself.

Waiting for an appointment I check into Facebook to pass the time and the news is bombarding my news feed. Suicide.

"Oh so sad" I think to myself.

My day goes on as usual and I find myself employing all kinds of distractions to avoid being present to the moment. Any moment. I attempt to entertain myself with the lightness of Instagram and fail miserably as every second post is about the passing of Robin Williams. An outpouring of grief from many people I do not personally know for a person none of us personally knew.

I read somewhere today - did his wife say this? - it's important to not dwell on how he passed, it's important to appreciate the great work of Robin Williams.

I do feel so sad by the passing of this man whose talent and genius is/was so unique.

In fact today I just feel sad anyway. I am in the lucky position to know - really know - these feelings will pass.  Unfortunately some of us are not so lucky.....

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it - Robin Williams

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Why not ....... go for a swim?

Today I challenge you to take the plunge and go for a swim.

No matter the weather (summer or winter).

Wherever there is water - your backyard, the local swimming pool, indoor or outdoor, a waterhole, a river or the ocean - dive on in and experience the weightless delight of your body submerged.

Find a body of water and explore how your body experiences it. You may enjoy a full-on workout of freestyle laps up and down the pool. Or you prefer to simply paddle about.

Swimming can provide you with a great low impact all body workout and it also has numerous mental health benefits as well.

I think some of the best things about splashing in a pool are the opportunities to play, have some great fun and create special memories. And it's so sensual too!

I have big friends who won't go swimming because they're too embarrassed about it. I feel that's such a shame, because actually people should be encouraging fat people who are exercising to do it, not pointing and laughing - Jo Brand

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Friends with benefits

Today I was lucky enough to spend some time with a gorgeous friend of mine (she wrote a guest post here).

We always choose to catch up somewhere with a great atmosphere and delicious food. Today we met here.  The love of the sensory is one of our shared loves.

Conversation and laughter flows.

Ideas shared and explored.

Minds and hearts meet in authentic and present connection.

I always leave our get-togethers feeling supported, inspired and revitalised. I wonder why I don't consistently make more time for this type of exchange in my life. In fact I often respond like this after meeting a friend. I am very lucky to have a number of great grown up friendships. Relationships where both support and challenge can sit quite comfortably together.  Relationships where we are predominately laughing at ourselves. Relationships where a shared desire for authentic connection and kindness override difference.

I believe the intimacy of friendship is so nourishing and nurturing....... and often undervalued and overlooked on a daily basis. I feel very fortunate to have the benefits of this type of friendship.

What does friendship mean to you? What 'benefits' do you enjoy?

P.S. I love these lyrics to Justine Clarke's song Friends

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Why not ............. sing a rainbow?

Hi there, it's been awhile. I was enjoying my time doing nothing. How about you?

Today I am sharing with you a song that has a lot of meaning to me.

It's called 'I can sing a rainbow.'

This song is a favourite from my childhood. It was the first tune I sang to my baby.

If you do not know the tune check out this version by Delta Goodrem.

I love to sing this song with full voice and a smile on my face. Anytime, anywhere. I sing the song from memory. Here are the lyrics I like to sing.......

Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow too

Listen with your heart
Listen with your heart
And sing everything you see
You can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing along with me

Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
You can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow 
Sing a rainbow too

Whenever I sing this song I feel pure joy. No matter what - my mood will instantly shift.

So I invite you on this Wednesday to join me in singing this delightful tune. 100%. I would love to hear about any songs that bring sunshine to your day.

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud - Maya Angelou

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Why not ........ #fmsphotoaday?

Hello there and welcome to another Wednesday challenge!

If you are a bit of a social media junkie you have probably heard about Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge. If you have no idea what I am talking about read on.....

Over two years ago an Aussie blogger Chantelle Ellem aka Fat Mum Slim started a photo challenge apparently for one month as a creative project for herself and her blog readers. Almost immediately the whole virtual world caught on and now over 13 million photos have been shared across the various social media platforms.

How do you join this photo challenge?

Get a copy of the monthly prompts (from the blog or @fatmumslim on Instagram) and start snapping! If you want you can join the rest of the world and post along. Or you can simply take a photo each day inspired by the daily prompt and do with them what you want! Make a slide show, a hard copy album, a poster collage, fridge magnets - anything!

You can also get an app Little Moments (designed by Chantelle and others) which not only sends you a reminder of the daily photo prompt, it gives you heaps of fun tools to make your photos extra pretty.

Can you take a photo everyday for one month? If you do please let me know where you post your photos. Enjoy!

Every photo you take communicates something about a moment in time - a brief slice of time of where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing - Kevin Systrom

Monday, 30 June 2014


#100happydays Day 78

For the past ninety days I have been participating in a photo challenge called 100 Happy Days run by - you guessed it - the 100 Happy Days Foundation. (You can check out the website here.)

The challenge they are putting to us all is "can you be happy for 100 days in a row?"

I have been sharing my photos on Instagram   Each day I take a shot of something I like or I feel grateful for. While I have missed a handful of days I can genuinely say I have really enjoyed this challenge. I like the practice of taking a simple moment and acknowledging happiness in my everyday life.  I look forward to reflecting back on this collection of photos and discovering an optimism I may not have been 100% conscious of at the time.

#100happydays Day 73

Can I say I have been happy for 100 days in a row? No I can't. The past three months have thrown me a number of significant difficulties way beyond my control.

Can I say I have received 'more compliments from other people' or 'fallen in love'?  (as the foundation claims can happen). No!

Can I say I have experienced some kind of happiness  - no matter how fleeting - each day of the past 100? Yes I can.

So why don't you check out this challenge - it takes about a minute day! If you are already taking part in #100happydays I would love to hear about your experience.

Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness - William E. Gladstone

#100happydays Day 72

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Why not ...... play with playdough?

Today let's use our hands and play.
"Oh but playdough is just for babies and little kids!"

If you are a ceramicist, a potter or even a pastry chef you will be very accustomed to the pleasures and frustrations of using your hands to create.

For the rest of us experimenting with playdough can be the next best thing.

It is very cheap to purchase. Just one pot is all you need. A few cookie cutters. Something cylindrical (for a rolling pin) and away you go.

You can even make you own playdough at home.

Mould it. Shape it. Squeeze it. Cut it. Roll it. Smell it.

Just start warming up that dough in your hands and off you go.

You might be surprised by how calming and soothing this activity can be. Have fun!

When you have clay in your hands, it's hard to avoid making birds - Eva Zeisel

Monday, 23 June 2014

Top ten acting tips for everyday life

In an acting class or coaching session with me you will hear the following ten instructions repeated over and over again
Really listen 
Really answer 
Whatever you do do it one hundred percent 
There is no character - it's just you 
Trust you are enough 
*Say what you mean mean what you say 
Live truthfully and fully with your given circumstances 
Work (and live) in this moment - moment by moment 
There is no such thing as nothing - even nothing is something 
Be simple and specific
All of these quotes are words of the great acting teacher Sanford Meisner. (Except this one *which is more mine).

While these quotes are the foundation of an acting technique, over and over I have encountered these themes through out my studies of psychotherapy and philosophy.  So often my students reveal how their acting class has a positive effect on their everyday life and more specifically on their relationships.

If you have the time and resources to take an acting class, why not? Or you can simply focus on just one of these 'tips' and apply it to your life.

I'd love to hear about your discoveries.

Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed - Wayne Dyer

Friday, 20 June 2014

What's on your (creative) bucket list?

A few weeks back I was listening to the radio in my car while waiting for someone. I know - so old school of me! Anyway I caught a great interview with Gale Edwards. She has just directed the Ibsen play 'Ghosts' for the MTC. She said she has been wanting to direct this play for thirty years - that it's been on her 'bucket list'. And as it's a 'classic' it requires everyone to step up.

I really enjoyed listening to someone with quite an established and diverse career discuss future desires, ambitions and what one could say 'unfinished business'.

This got me thinking about the concept of the creative bucket list.

Do you have one? What do you want to accomplish creatively before you 'kick the bucket'?

Are there projects you dream about?

What stories do you want to tell/play/direct/shoot/write?

What 'crafts' have you yet put your hand to?

I must confess my list does not automatically spring to my mind. It is something I will need to reflect on - quite a bit I think!

So tell me - what is on your creative bucket list?

We give advice by the bucket, but take it by the grain - Tom Stoppard

Thursday, 19 June 2014!

So did you watch 'The Voice' showdowns on Monday night?

I recorded the show and have just viewed it. 

What I really like about this type of program is the coaching element. As a director, teacher and coach I love any opportunity to get a peek into other people's process (especially those who are internationally and commercially successful). While I think this year 'The Voice' is too over produced and is starting to feel like a reality TV show this showdown episode gave some great insight into how to (and how not to!) coach a performer. 

I was so excited by the coaching style of and I think one of his contestants delivered the best performance of the night. I really am getting why this guy is referred to as a genius.

will's instructions to his team were simple, specific and so doable. Totally doable. 
Do this here (singsong it, falsetto). 
Do it like this (stab it like 'benny and the jets'). 
Have fun (I can't sing good like you but I have way more fun than you). 
I was also inspired by his creative interpretation of the songs. I think he really demonstrated the concept of making something your own. 

As I write this I can hear the alternative argument in my head. 
'I don't like it when the director doesn't give me the space to discover it for myself.' 
'I don't like being told move here, say it like this, look this way.'
You know what? Just doing something one hundred percent will open you up to discoveries you will never have imagined.

It does not matter what your creative pursuit is or what role you are in (director/actor, coach/client, expert/fan girl) - simple and specific and doable instructions (directions and guidelines) give the foundation from which creatives can improvise and create...... anything!

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated - Confucius

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Why not ...... take an afternoon nap?

It's Wednesday and the middle of the working week so why not take an afternoon nap.

Go on.

Grab a rug and a cushion and get comfy on the coach.

Close your eyes and perhaps drift off into the land of zzzz.

Or get really decedent and jump into your bed fully clothed for a little snooze.

(I like to keep the windows and curtains wide open and take my socks off.)

Sleep isn't necessarily the goal here. Just 20 minutes time out. An opportunity for quiet reflection. An afternoon daydream. A chance to recharge your body and de-stress your mind.

The artist SARK has written a whole book devoted to the art of napping!

If you do happen to actually sleep the benefits can be great especially if you follow some dos and don'ts here.

I wonder if you will allow yourself the luxurious gift of a nap. Let me know.

I like to nap. I do like to sleep. Sometimes I sleep in between takes - Jodie Foster

Thursday, 12 June 2014

NO EXIT: a workshop

I will be running a new acting workshop at the end of June.

It will be based on the play No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre.

I am very excited by the concept of this workshop. It has been brewing away with me for a number of years and now is the right time to deliver it.

I really hope you can join me. Even if we haven't worked together before this will be a great place for us to meet.

If you would like more information please email me -

Hell is other people - Jean-Paul Sartre

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Why not ....... get some sunshine?

I know - this one is a real challenge as it is totally out of your control right?

No matter where you are in the world hopefully you will find some sunshine somewhere sometime.

When you do get out there and enjoy those rays on your skin.

While the dangers of the sun are well documented it's very important to remember how beneficial sunshine is to our health too. Find out more about this dilemma here.

I was lucky to catch some sun today - what about you?

Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away - Elvis Presley

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Why not ....... do a jigsaw puzzle?

It's Wednesday and a great day to do a jigsaw puzzle.

Not matter if it's simple or complex just get a jigsaw out and start doing one. The benefits for your brain and creativity are amazing. Don't just believe me check out this and this.

Don't have a jigsaw puzzle hanging around your house?  Pay a visit to your local op shop or Kmart and grab yourself a bargain.

Or you could make your own puzzle by downloading a template like this one.

Take it easy on yourself to begin with. Keep the image of the puzzle in sight. Then challenge yourself by trying that puzzle without the picture.

Did you have a favourite jigsaw puzzle when you were younger?  Do you still enjoy puzzles today?  Let me know how you go.

To me acting is like a jigsaw puzzle. The jigsaw puzzle is of the sky and all the pieces are blue. Out of this you have to create a human being and put it together - Henry Winkler

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Baby it's cold outside...

It is the first day of winter in my part of the world. It has rained all day.

Usually I would stay inside and avoid hair frizz. But today I did something different.

I kept my plans to meet a friend for breakfast at an outdoor cafe. We enjoyed a delicious meal and fascinating conversation. Then we went for a casual stroll in the lightly pouring rain as my daughter jumped into as many puddles as she could find. It was so enjoyable. The air was still and fresh from the rain. No one around. So peaceful.

It got me thinking. Perhaps this June and this winter could be different to the Junes and winters of the past.  You see this time of year can often bring many uncomfortable feelings for me.

I begin to reflect on the year so far. Then I start to worry. I worry about how am I going to keep warm enough in the cold. How has half the year flown past so quickly. How will I accomplish all that I had planned for this year. How much weight I could potentially gain. How low will my mood be at the end of the season.

In the Northern Hemisphere people have summer and vacations to look forward to in the middle of a year. Their winter is filled with traditional celebrations and festivities that compliment the freezing temperatures.

But here Down Under I do not think we have anything to look forward to unless you are an avid skier and trek to the mountains for snow season.

This year I want to change my relationship with mid-year and winter.  I am going to try something different - whenever the moment invites it and with purposeful intention. I am going to seek out festivals I have never attended before. I am going to spend more time outside. I am going to play in those puddles too. I know the uncomfortable feelings will revisit me. I also know they will pass - especially while I am keeping myself really busy discovering the beauties of this season.

So how do you experience June and Winter? Any suggestions on how to survive this time of year? I would love to hear from those of you who thrive in the cooler months.

People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy - Anton Chekhov

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Oh so grateful!

Today I am very grateful to be alive. It is that simple. I feel I am one of the lucky ones.

This week I received some sad and yet not so unexpected news that led me to attending a funeral on Thursday. It was one of the most beautiful funerals I have ever been to.  I never thought I would use the word 'beautiful' to describe a funeral service. I feel so very sad.  A kind and beautiful woman lost a ravaging battle to cancer. Too young. Too soon.

None of us have any idea when our time is truly up. All we have is this moment. I am guilty of worrying about the future and ruminating over the past. It's a waste of my time.

Today I am very grateful for all the simple moments I experience. It may sound like a cliche - it is not. It is my truth and that is all I will ever really have.

Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see - Helen Keller

I would like to thank Sunday for this challenge and all the other blogs I have discovered this past month. Thank you for your kind comments and support.

Now for something a little lighter......

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Why not ...... go for a walk?

It's Wednesday and time to take a walk.

For about 20 minutes.

By yourself.

Just because you can.

You might notice
your right foot touching the ground and then your left foot. Arms swinging by your sides. Some parts of you relaxed. Other parts quite tense. Your breath leaving and entering your body. A slight breeze around you or a gusty wind. 
You might notice
the color of the sky. The texts, structures and nature around you. How it all looks at this time of day.  People you pass by. 
You might notice
the soundtrack around you. The birds. Yappy dogs. Traffic. Building works. Silence.
You might notice
smells, odours, armours, scents that you never or always pay attention to. 
You might notice
your thoughts and how they make you feel. Your feelings and what they make you want to do. 
You might notice
that walking (a doing) can make you feel things and think things.   
So why not take a walk this fine Wednesday.

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking - Friedrich Nietzsche

Family Fun

Despite my generational history of dysfunction and trauma the one thing my family is really good at is having fun.  We really do know how to have fun!

I have many memories of playing spontaneous games, performing in impromptu concerts, listening to funny (and spooky) stories, singing and dancing to great music. Big parties. Lots of laughter and high spirits. With my parents, sibling, aunties and uncles, cousins and grandparents.

The fact I had young parents and young relatives contributed greatly to this family fun mantra. My mum and dad didn't shut up shop on their social lives when they became parents. They took us to all their parties when we were little children. And they joined us at many a rock/pop concerts in our teenage and adult years.

Time brings many changes. Loved ones lost. Relationships broken. New members of family are introduced.

And now as my parents re-partner and my brother and I establish nuclear families of our own I feel we are leaving the positives of our family behind. I truly miss the sense of fun we once experienced and enjoyed. It's not a yearning for days gone by. No way do I want to revisit the past. I do long for the easiness for familiarity, the freedom of no responsibility and being available to light and laughter. I miss that celebration of fun.

There are moments. But oh so fleeting.

The mixing of family of origins is often a tricky process. I have found that the 'other' becomes the dominant experience. And I don't like that. I want my daughter to receive this positive tradition from me. I want her to feel like she comes from a fun and playful environment.

And so daily I create experiences and accept invitations which embrace my history and understanding of family. For her. For me. And for all my loved ones.

Did your family have an essence? Is there anything missing from your 'new' family?  What do you need to let go of and what do you need to embrace from your personal family history?

My family is my strength and my weakness - Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Project Me

I have never seen myself as one with a passion for projects.

Yet on reflection I realise I often have a relationship project brewing away.

My recent project history looks something like this:
Project find someone to spend the rest of my life with - DONE
Project swan around as a blissfully happy couple - DONE
Project have a fur-baby - DONE 
Project get pregnant and have child - DONE
Project avoiding disappearing into the hopeless depths of darkness - CONTINUING 
Project try to have another child - FAILED SPECTACULARLY
Project I quit sugar - CONTINUING

My 2014 project is Project Me.  It's about me making a commitment to the relationship I have with myself.   Many moons ago in my first experience of therapy my therapist would talk again and again about working/improving 'the relationship with yourself'. I honestly had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Session after session I would simply smile and nod my head in agreement - I was a major people pleaser even in therapy - and think to myself  'what on earth is she talking about?!?!'

(Note: if you do not understand what your therapist is saying TELL THEM. In fact if you don't understand anything that anyone says to you TELL THEM!)

Project Me (currently) comprises of four components:
  1. Meditate daily
  2. Eat clean
  3. Move more
  4. Have fun
It's a process. It's a framework from which I am trying to make choices and decisions. I imagine this project will see me through to the end of 2014 and many years beyond. I now have both an emotional and intellectual understanding of those words my therapist spoke to me all those years ago. And I realise for me to take on any new projects in the future I need to have a rock solid foundation in Project Me first. 

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line - Lucille Ball


Monday, 26 May 2014

A guestie

Today my dear friend and colleague Emma Townshend, animal advocate and artist based in Melbourne, has written today's post.  Emma and I met way back in 2000 when we were both part of a production for the Melbourne Fringe Festival. While the show was utterly forgettable our connection as friends is always most memorable.  Thank you Emma for your stimulating conversation, encouraging support and wild laughter.  

Well – my creative process......

I think it is telling that I have known about this guest blog for weeks and it is due today so here I am sitting in front of the screen writing this morning!

I had this grand plan this would be the first thing I would write on my first (but very second hand!) typewriter. It works - I just haven’t gotten around to buying the needed ribbon....

For years I had been frustrated and angry about my ‘procrastination’ in focus here – like procrastination had a bad odour or something and added it to my rising pile in my personal box of shame to further act as a doorstop to my dreams – leaving the door open for others screaming for the results, the end piece. 
"Be successful. Tout suite. Now.... and why aren’t you??? Are you published? Look at him. Look at her. That’s the trick. That’s how you do it. That’s what people want."
My vulnerability took this on as negative feedback and diminished my confidence. 

Until I let go.

And defined my own creativity (and my own punctuation and grammar rules!!). I celebrate and enjoy my procrastination now. There are such gems in it. It is essential.

For me, once I have set my subject of interest I just go about my life and let curiosity take me on detours where I stumble across inspired relevance to my idea. 

Okay – an example I feel is neededAt the moment one of my mediums is radio. I help produce an animal advocacy show for 3CR Community independent radio in Melbourne called, “Freedom of Species”, covering all issues from rewilding, rights to basic appreciation of our fellow species we share the planet with. 

A while back, I decided to work on a show about the Emu.  For some reason I started to become distracted by these beautiful photographs of the cosmos that had been published and low and behold I was taken on a journey that led me to the fact that there is a star constellation called the Emu in theSky. The show then gained so much more colour and texture in narrative and also acknowledged  the importance of the constellations in Australian Aboriginal culture. I guess I followed my heart and the stars.

My creative process is occasionally riddled with potholes of self doubt and the F-word. Fear. I slip in and drown in anxiety for a little while but always get spat out realising the floatiesto survive this is to trust my own decisions.

The last time I fell through one of those ‘cracks’ I was promptly saved. I popped into a cafe called “Las Vegan” in Smith St Collingwood, Melbourne to cheer myself up with a muffin and there on reception they had organised to collect letters from anyone who could spare the time and postage stamp to write letters of support old style to refugees in these prisonlike detainee camps. How powerful. How simple. How creative. How simple it can be to create the ripples of hope and change.

That is inspiring.

copyright Emma Townshend 

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Many many years ago, in a job interview for a very corporate job, I was asked the question 'if you could invite 3 people to dinner tonight who would they be?'  My first response was instant horror - people coming to MY place for dinner. Can't clean. Can't cook. OMG! Then I pulled myself together and responded with Bill and Hillary Clinton and Roseanne (Barr). Yes it was a long time ago! Needless to say none of these people visited me for dinner and I didn't get the job.

Fast forward to present day 2014. This question still fills me with horror! My invitation list would look like this:
  • Nigella Lawson. Not the real Nigella of course! I want to meet the character she plays on her cooking shows. To be indulged by her culinary skills and her sensual language. 
  • Roseanne. Or Rosie O'Donnell. Or Ruby Wax. There is a theme here. I wonder if you can guess it?
  • Ricky Martin. Gorgeous smile. Fabulous voice. Kind spirit. 

And then I sat with the question a little longer.

Who would I really like to invite to dinner tonight?

And my response became very clear to me. I could see it in pictures. I could feel it in my gut. 

I would love to invite my grandmother (who passed away over 15 years ago) and my mother and my brother. I can see the three of them sitting together in my current day kitchen.  The smell of my nan's 'don-farting' soup filling the room. My brother busy preparing the main meal. The laughter of us all as we bring Nan update with the stories of her great-grandchildren. I would truly love to host this dinner party. 

In reality this guest list is as elusive as my famous people invitation list. However this is the fantasy that fills me with life. 

And for just a moment I can trick myself into believing it is real. 

And my chest swells with emotion.  

And my imagination conquers my logic.

And this dinner party memory feels so 'real' it is difficult to send it back to the fantasy world in which it belongs. 

Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody - Samuel Pepys

Friday, 23 May 2014

Commenting on comments

I am what is known in the blogging world as a 'lurker'. Read the blog, never comment. I have been reading various blogs over the past few years and I have only left a handful of comments.  Given that comments and likes are the currency of social networking, on reflection, I have been quite a 'mean' 'friend/follower/subscriber'.

And given that I am now a blogger myself I have a new found respect for the comment and I am embracing the 'give and you shall receive' idea.

This May I have been visiting heaps of new blogs and practicing the art of comment giving. And I do believe it's an art because I think my experience with other social networking sites (my favourite is Instagram) has dumbed down my communication skills a bit. You see when I read a blog post I have enjoyed I am struck with the impulse to 'like' it. I am initially lost for words!  And then I experience some comparison paralysis when I read all the other comments that are so beautifully crafted compared to my simple 'gee I like this'.

So now that I am committing to giving a bit more love in blogland please don't be shy in leaving a comment or two on this here blog as you are passing through.

Usually I don't comment on comments of others - Jose Manuel Barroso

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

What's on your plate?

I have a lot on my plate right now. A lot!

Yes there are the daily responsibilities - raising my child, work, running a home. That's the yummy bit.

What's making my plate so heavy right now?  Major emotional and relationship matters.

I have always struggled with really looking after myself. I have done (and am still doing) a lot of work in this area. There are some aspects that I have no problems with. Others - particularly my physical wellbeing - I find a constant battle.

Then there is the stuff that I have no control over - other people and external circumstances.

And owning that I do have control over how I respond to these external realities - that's challenging too.

I allow fear, anger and denial to stop me from clearing my plate. What's stopping you?

My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate - Thornton Wilder

Why not .... go see some art?

Artist:Yvonne Sherring

Today let's look at visual art.

Don't just look at something in a book or on the computer. Go take a visit to somewhere that displays real life art.

Paintings. Sculpture. Installations.

Art galleries are not the only places you can find art. Museums.  Public spaces. Hotels. Corporate office foyers. Libraries. Your own home.

See it in the flesh and let it move you.

Because when you take the time to really look at a piece you will discover that it moves you in some way.


Love art in yourself, not yourself in art - Konstantin Stanislavski

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Acting is doing ......... get out of your head!

Anyone watching The Voice?   Yes, you follower of the masses.  No, not your thing?  Either way I must mention some feedback gave an unsuccessful contestant on Sunday night.

He said something like this "so you made a mistake.  Then you went into your head and stayed there for the rest of the song. You needed to let it go....."

If we have ever worked together you would have heard me say time and time again 'you are in your head'. And. GET. OUT. OF. YOUR. HEAD.

What am I saying?  Stop thinking!!!!

When you think or get stuck in your head you are no longer available to the moment. You cannot do what you need to do 100 percent.

Acting is doing. Not thinking.

So you don't know how to get out of your head? Start listening.  Really listening.

Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things - Ray Bradbury

Monday, 19 May 2014

"You may say I'm a dreamer..."

source:play school

When asked the question 'what's your dream job?' I wonder what first pops into your head?

Are you blank? Or do you have a clear and definite answer?

Do you see it in pictures - like a movie where you are the star?

Are you currently in pursuit of this vision or does it feel like an impossible dream?

Perhaps it isn't a specific job role but rather a set of conditions and circumstances that bring you a specific feeling.

For me a dream job is simply the pursuit of something you love or are passionate about where you receive (hopefully) appropriate remuneration. A job where 99.9 percent of the time you can't wait to get there and time seems to fly while you are doing what you do. In a dream job you feel authentic and true to who you are. You feel full and connected to your power.

And most importantly a dream job is personal - it's about you and only you. Remember the significant media discussion when Andre Agassi released his autobiography? He revealed that when he was one of the world's top tennis players he hated tennis.  A dream job is not necessarily doing what you are good at.

I feel incredibly lucky because when I am asked 'what's your dream job?' I can easily say I am doing it. Yes I would like to earn more income or maximise that income/output ratio. Yes I wish to work more hours without compromising my other responsibilities. Yes I want to work with new people in different environments. And I am also certain my idea of 'the dream job' will be dynamic - it will evolve and develop as I grow and change.

There is one particular dream job for me that I know (at my life stage) I will never accomplish. I have always wanted to be a host on Play School. Yes - the thought of hanging with Big Ted, Humpty and Jemima and really playing is my ideal. Oh well - in another lifetime perhaps?

I would love to hear where you are at in pursuing your dreams.  And let me you if you need any assistance -  I would love to help!

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life - Confucius