Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Why not ....... do a jigsaw puzzle?

It's Wednesday and a great day to do a jigsaw puzzle.

Not matter if it's simple or complex just get a jigsaw out and start doing one. The benefits for your brain and creativity are amazing. Don't just believe me check out this and this.

Don't have a jigsaw puzzle hanging around your house?  Pay a visit to your local op shop or Kmart and grab yourself a bargain.

Or you could make your own puzzle by downloading a template like this one.

Take it easy on yourself to begin with. Keep the image of the puzzle in sight. Then challenge yourself by trying that puzzle without the picture.

Did you have a favourite jigsaw puzzle when you were younger?  Do you still enjoy puzzles today?  Let me know how you go.

To me acting is like a jigsaw puzzle. The jigsaw puzzle is of the sky and all the pieces are blue. Out of this you have to create a human being and put it together - Henry Winkler


  1. My husband used to always have a jigsaw puzzle going on the table in what we used to call the dining room...then we named it the Puzzle Room. Now that he is unable to any longer do jigsaws we have turned it into the reading room...We glued several of his puzzles together and used them as art on the walls....

    1. Thankyou for sharing this Paula. It's great how you can still enjoy a puzzle long after it's been completed.
