Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Farewell Robin Williams

source Instagram

This morning I heard the end of the news headlines on the radio while I was driving in my car.

"And the actor Robin Williams is dead" said the news reader.

Bang! No warning. Out of nowhere.

"Fuck that" I thought to myself.  "Heart attack?" I thought to myself.

Later in the day I'm back in the car and there is more talk about Robin Williams' death.

"Bloody hell I listen to a sports radio station to avoid these types of conversations!" I think to myself.

Waiting for an appointment I check into Facebook to pass the time and the news is bombarding my news feed. Suicide.

"Oh so sad" I think to myself.

My day goes on as usual and I find myself employing all kinds of distractions to avoid being present to the moment. Any moment. I attempt to entertain myself with the lightness of Instagram and fail miserably as every second post is about the passing of Robin Williams. An outpouring of grief from many people I do not personally know for a person none of us personally knew.

I read somewhere today - did his wife say this? - it's important to not dwell on how he passed, it's important to appreciate the great work of Robin Williams.

I do feel so sad by the passing of this man whose talent and genius is/was so unique.

In fact today I just feel sad anyway. I am in the lucky position to know - really know - these feelings will pass.  Unfortunately some of us are not so lucky.....

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it - Robin Williams