Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Why not ...... take an afternoon nap?

It's Wednesday and the middle of the working week so why not take an afternoon nap.

Go on.

Grab a rug and a cushion and get comfy on the coach.

Close your eyes and perhaps drift off into the land of zzzz.

Or get really decedent and jump into your bed fully clothed for a little snooze.

(I like to keep the windows and curtains wide open and take my socks off.)

Sleep isn't necessarily the goal here. Just 20 minutes time out. An opportunity for quiet reflection. An afternoon daydream. A chance to recharge your body and de-stress your mind.

The artist SARK has written a whole book devoted to the art of napping!

If you do happen to actually sleep the benefits can be great especially if you follow some dos and don'ts here.

I wonder if you will allow yourself the luxurious gift of a nap. Let me know.

I like to nap. I do like to sleep. Sometimes I sleep in between takes - Jodie Foster


  1. I find that if I nap I am worse than being overly tired . You know that 3pm overwhelmed with tired feeling? I get that a LOT. But I always find that if I nap I wake so cranky lol? Don't know why?

  2. That's a bummer to wake up cranky! And why is it that 3pm is such a killer time? Maybe the secret is to nap when you are not that tired......
