Really listen
Really answer
Whatever you do do it one hundred percent
There is no character - it's just you
Trust you are enough
*Say what you mean mean what you say
Live truthfully and fully with your given circumstances
Work (and live) in this moment - moment by moment
There is no such thing as nothing - even nothing is something
Be simple and specificAll of these quotes are words of the great acting teacher Sanford Meisner. (Except this one *which is more mine).
While these quotes are the foundation of an acting technique, over and over I have encountered these themes through out my studies of psychotherapy and philosophy. So often my students reveal how their acting class has a positive effect on their everyday life and more specifically on their relationships.
If you have the time and resources to take an acting class, why not? Or you can simply focus on just one of these 'tips' and apply it to your life.
I'd love to hear about your discoveries.
Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed - Wayne Dyer
I LOVE reading your blogs Simone!! Always so insightful and full of joy and wisdom. Thank you for sharing this one and incorporating the brilliance of Meisner teaching into every day life strategies! You too are a genius! Imagine how much richer life would be if people followed these tips and truly became present and connected with others! The time has come for all those distracted people who spend time on their mobiles in the company of others. Not only is it rude, but they are missing so much beautiful life potential in not honouring the other and being connected with them. That is where to good stuff lies! :) Annita x
ReplyDeleteThanks for these great words!