Friday, 23 May 2014

Commenting on comments

I am what is known in the blogging world as a 'lurker'. Read the blog, never comment. I have been reading various blogs over the past few years and I have only left a handful of comments.  Given that comments and likes are the currency of social networking, on reflection, I have been quite a 'mean' 'friend/follower/subscriber'.

And given that I am now a blogger myself I have a new found respect for the comment and I am embracing the 'give and you shall receive' idea.

This May I have been visiting heaps of new blogs and practicing the art of comment giving. And I do believe it's an art because I think my experience with other social networking sites (my favourite is Instagram) has dumbed down my communication skills a bit. You see when I read a blog post I have enjoyed I am struck with the impulse to 'like' it. I am initially lost for words!  And then I experience some comparison paralysis when I read all the other comments that are so beautifully crafted compared to my simple 'gee I like this'.

So now that I am committing to giving a bit more love in blogland please don't be shy in leaving a comment or two on this here blog as you are passing through.

Usually I don't comment on comments of others - Jose Manuel Barroso


  1. I'm guilty of lurking sometimes, too. You've inspired me to comment more often, even if it is a "gee, I like this."

    1. Thank you for commenting here. I really do appreciate it.

  2. That's so true! 'like' is a new found phenomenon!

  3. I lurk too! I'm trying to comment more though and so glad to find some more blogs through this challenge!xx

    1. Yes it's been great to find new blogs. And you inspire me to comment more.
