Saturday, 24 May 2014

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Many many years ago, in a job interview for a very corporate job, I was asked the question 'if you could invite 3 people to dinner tonight who would they be?'  My first response was instant horror - people coming to MY place for dinner. Can't clean. Can't cook. OMG! Then I pulled myself together and responded with Bill and Hillary Clinton and Roseanne (Barr). Yes it was a long time ago! Needless to say none of these people visited me for dinner and I didn't get the job.

Fast forward to present day 2014. This question still fills me with horror! My invitation list would look like this:
  • Nigella Lawson. Not the real Nigella of course! I want to meet the character she plays on her cooking shows. To be indulged by her culinary skills and her sensual language. 
  • Roseanne. Or Rosie O'Donnell. Or Ruby Wax. There is a theme here. I wonder if you can guess it?
  • Ricky Martin. Gorgeous smile. Fabulous voice. Kind spirit. 

And then I sat with the question a little longer.

Who would I really like to invite to dinner tonight?

And my response became very clear to me. I could see it in pictures. I could feel it in my gut. 

I would love to invite my grandmother (who passed away over 15 years ago) and my mother and my brother. I can see the three of them sitting together in my current day kitchen.  The smell of my nan's 'don-farting' soup filling the room. My brother busy preparing the main meal. The laughter of us all as we bring Nan update with the stories of her great-grandchildren. I would truly love to host this dinner party. 

In reality this guest list is as elusive as my famous people invitation list. However this is the fantasy that fills me with life. 

And for just a moment I can trick myself into believing it is real. 

And my chest swells with emotion.  

And my imagination conquers my logic.

And this dinner party memory feels so 'real' it is difficult to send it back to the fantasy world in which it belongs. 

Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody - Samuel Pepys


  1. How beautiful, Simone! A very moving dinner party. What is ''don farting' soup', praytell? :)

    Why I didn't think of Nigella I do not know! You are right, though, not real life Nigella, who is probably just like us!

    I just started reading a Ruby Wax book last night!

    1. Well it's simply soup that makes you ..... fart!! Very yummy. I must look at the Ruby Wax book

  2. My dear friend, how wonderfully eloquent you are! I loved reading your dream dinner party. You drew such a vivid picture and I felt as though I was a "fly on the wall" privvy to sharing in this beautiful exchange of love, spirit and joy with your grandma, mum and brother :) I also giggled when you first expressed your "horror" at hosting a dinner party when you didn't know how to cook! Priceless!! I loved your guest list too and even though Roseanne has been away from the scene for many years, I too love her and find her to be an incredibly fascinating and strong woman! I guess the theme of your guest women would be that they are all out-spoken, humorous and strong? Is that right?

    May your writing continue to bring you joy as it also brings joy to others and be a cathartic and creative experience! xo

    1. Thank you my friend. Perhaps next time I'm up north we can do a dinner party?!

  3. what a lovely post! Sounds like it would be a great time with your family... I'm sorry for you that it could not be a reality. I like how you are getting them to cook for you though :)

    1. Thank you and yes much better to have the guests do the cooking, me the entertaining

  4. You really have a way with words, that was put so beautifully! I love Nigella too!x

  5. I think your family dinner sounds just perfect. I am constantly imagining my father back into dinners, birthdays, graduations, recitals, football games...if only. I am so glad you shared - it was so beautifully written. And you are right - Nigella would be wonderful as long as it's tv Nigella and she brings something chocolate!

    1. Lisa last week a friend made Nigellas instant chocolate mousse. It was SO amazing and simple to make!
