Sunday, 31 August 2014

Go Winter...... go!

It's the last day of winter here.

I survived.

Spring has been teasing us all week. Longer days. Blue skies. Glorious sunshine. Pink and white blossoms decorating the tree lined streets. The promise of fun and new memories.

I survived these cooler months - just.

I embraced some old habits and I contemplated some new ones too.

I wonder why tomorrow offers the promise of something that seemed so elusive these past few months.

I survived. Yet I had really hoped to thrive.

How did winter treat you?

Winter is nature's way of saying, 'Up yours.' - Robert Byrne

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Why not ......... play with a dog?

Have you had a 'play' today? (this week, this month, this year?)

No?  Then why not hang out with a dog or two and have some fun!

Dogs are fully present to the moment.

Dogs are impulsive, spontaneous and unpredictable.

Dogs are fully alive and ....... watchable.

Dogs have much to teach us about creative process.

As a society we now acknowledge how beneficial owning a dog is to both our physical and mental health. You can read more about these benefits here and here.

But it is easy to forget just how fun it is to be with a dog. How it can provide us with a great opportunity to simply play and be silly. How the 'presence' of a dog invites us to be present to the moment too.

Don't just listen to me, Academy Award winning actress Shirley MacLaine has so much to say about the benefits of dogs she wrote a whole book about it. ‘Terry (her rat terrier) has taught me simplicity, she has completely changed my priorities. And she just makes me laugh all the time. She makes me smile through my life now,’  says Shirley. 

Don't worry if you personally do not own a dog. Ask a family member, friend or even a neighbour if you can visit their fur-baby sometime. Or you could contact your local animal shelter and enquire about their volunteer or foster programs.

No matter how you do it - throw a ball around with a dog, teach him (and yourself) a few new tricks or simply have a cuddle - make the time to get some canine energy into your day.

The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too - Samuel Butler

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Why not ........ write your Oscar acceptance speech?

On a day where the world grieves the passing of another Hollywood legend Lauren Bacall I invite you to write your Oscar acceptance speech.

Whatever your craft is put pen to paper and write a speech in response to being recognised for your great achievements - realised or imagined!

Who are you going to thank? From your past and your present. Professional to personal.

Will you mention the person/people you propelled you into seeking the utmost excellence of your craft?

Will you make a business, personal, political or social comment?

Will you keep it short and sweet like Joe Pesci?

Private yet inspiring like Steven Soderbergh?

Or will you ramble on like Julia Roberts et al.?

This article has an interesting take on the do's and don'ts of speech making. What do you think?

Write the speech simply for yourself or for the world at large. I encourage you to enjoy the doing.

I don't care who you are. When you sit down to write the first page of your screenplay, in your head, you're also writing your Oscar acceptance speech - Nora Ephron

Is there a movie I think I should have won the Oscar for? Yeah. All of them - Morgan Freeman

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Farewell Robin Williams

source Instagram

This morning I heard the end of the news headlines on the radio while I was driving in my car.

"And the actor Robin Williams is dead" said the news reader.

Bang! No warning. Out of nowhere.

"Fuck that" I thought to myself.  "Heart attack?" I thought to myself.

Later in the day I'm back in the car and there is more talk about Robin Williams' death.

"Bloody hell I listen to a sports radio station to avoid these types of conversations!" I think to myself.

Waiting for an appointment I check into Facebook to pass the time and the news is bombarding my news feed. Suicide.

"Oh so sad" I think to myself.

My day goes on as usual and I find myself employing all kinds of distractions to avoid being present to the moment. Any moment. I attempt to entertain myself with the lightness of Instagram and fail miserably as every second post is about the passing of Robin Williams. An outpouring of grief from many people I do not personally know for a person none of us personally knew.

I read somewhere today - did his wife say this? - it's important to not dwell on how he passed, it's important to appreciate the great work of Robin Williams.

I do feel so sad by the passing of this man whose talent and genius is/was so unique.

In fact today I just feel sad anyway. I am in the lucky position to know - really know - these feelings will pass.  Unfortunately some of us are not so lucky.....

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it - Robin Williams

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Why not ....... go for a swim?

Today I challenge you to take the plunge and go for a swim.

No matter the weather (summer or winter).

Wherever there is water - your backyard, the local swimming pool, indoor or outdoor, a waterhole, a river or the ocean - dive on in and experience the weightless delight of your body submerged.

Find a body of water and explore how your body experiences it. You may enjoy a full-on workout of freestyle laps up and down the pool. Or you prefer to simply paddle about.

Swimming can provide you with a great low impact all body workout and it also has numerous mental health benefits as well.

I think some of the best things about splashing in a pool are the opportunities to play, have some great fun and create special memories. And it's so sensual too!

I have big friends who won't go swimming because they're too embarrassed about it. I feel that's such a shame, because actually people should be encouraging fat people who are exercising to do it, not pointing and laughing - Jo Brand

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Friends with benefits

Today I was lucky enough to spend some time with a gorgeous friend of mine (she wrote a guest post here).

We always choose to catch up somewhere with a great atmosphere and delicious food. Today we met here.  The love of the sensory is one of our shared loves.

Conversation and laughter flows.

Ideas shared and explored.

Minds and hearts meet in authentic and present connection.

I always leave our get-togethers feeling supported, inspired and revitalised. I wonder why I don't consistently make more time for this type of exchange in my life. In fact I often respond like this after meeting a friend. I am very lucky to have a number of great grown up friendships. Relationships where both support and challenge can sit quite comfortably together.  Relationships where we are predominately laughing at ourselves. Relationships where a shared desire for authentic connection and kindness override difference.

I believe the intimacy of friendship is so nourishing and nurturing....... and often undervalued and overlooked on a daily basis. I feel very fortunate to have the benefits of this type of friendship.

What does friendship mean to you? What 'benefits' do you enjoy?

P.S. I love these lyrics to Justine Clarke's song Friends

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood - Lucius Annaeus Seneca