Sunday, 10 May 2015

Books, books, books, everywhere you look!

I always have a stack of books sitting on my bedside table, on the floor in my lounge room and taking up space on my kitchen table. Fiction and non-fiction.  Chit-lit. Self-help. Cooking. You name it , I've probably got it.

I've read some of these books. Others I've browsed through. Some are completely untouched.

Just recently I suggested a friend read one of Brene Brown's books. Not a specific one - just go read her stuff!  We were discussing being vulnerable in a professional environment and what's appropriate and what's not.

So it's time I follow my own advice and I plan to read Brene's Daring Greatly this week. I'll let you know how I go.

What about you? Are you a book horder or a borrower? Is there a must read on your list?

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read - Groucho Marx

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